Thursday 29 January 2009



Social realist drama

 ‘Real life’- The aim is to represent life and all it’s difficulties.
 A certain social class usually faces a struggle.
 There is an existence of a conflict, large scale (political-war) and small scale between individuals.
 Example of such a Movie is Land of freedom.

 Has a Family and Comic element.
 Characters often in pursuit of something or completion of a puzzle.
 May involve more than 1 leading character.
 Set in an unfamiliar environment.
 Example of such a film is Harry Potter.

Super Natural Thriller
 Story usually evolves around the main character.
 Horror element.
 Dark lighting.
 Isolation.
 Claustrophobia.

Teenage Romantic Comedy
 A humorous movie about a love story that ends happily(about a teenage relationship.
 Stereotypical character’s are Geeks, Jocks, Conventional attractive girls.
 These stereotypes present a social boundary that the characters have to over come in order for a happy ending.
 Audience expects an emotional ‘pay-off’.

Crime Capper
 Ensemble cast.
 Main character commit a crime.
 Light hearted/comic.
 Criminals get away with the crime.



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